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Happy International Women’s Day (IWD)! As you’ve probably heard, there are plenty of ways to embrace this day on 8 March every year, from declaring it as a national holiday in many countries to giving flowers, sending the women in your life International Women’s Day quotes and Happy Women’s Day messages.

With D’Fun Cookies, I am celebrating it a little differently.  The International Women’s Day theme for 2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, and I wanna organize a virtual Bake At Home #IWDChallenge with 15 women. I wish to empower women with simple baking skills at home, women had done a lot out there in the workplace, or work from home during pandemic and still having to do household chores and even some being frontliners on the COVID pandemic. Let’s give all of them a round of applause and I want to share with these women, especially the young ones by Becoming A Mentor. Having gone so far in life at this age, I owe it to the young women.

This Bake At Home #IWDChallenge will also help each other Find A Female Confidant. Being baking partners, you can have real conversations sharing same hobby and expressing a warm emotional challenge. Let me Be A Genuine, Vocal Cheerleader to find this group of young passionate women in the baking network and make a connection through D’Fun Cookies.

This year IWD falls on Monday at 8 March 2021. With #ChooseToChallenge IWD theme this year people are being asked to “raise your hand high to show you’re in and that you commit to choose to challenge and call out inequality”. With D’Fun Cookies, can I ask you to raise your hand to join our Bake At Home #IWDChallenge at March 8, 8 pm through zoom platform. Only limited to 15 participants. D’Fun Cookies will post you a Bake At Home Box and a recipe, and we shall bake them together. It’s a SuperQuick Delicios Oatmeal-Almond Cookies recipe. All you need is just an oven and preparing some butter. Register now immediately by sending me your picture raising your hand, and few details like name and age plus mobile no.

Purple, green and white are the colours of International Women’s Day. Let’s respect the day wearing one of this colour during the Bake At Home #IWDChallenge during the zoom gathering.

“Purple signifies justice and dignity. Green symbolizes hope. White represents purity, albeit a controversial concept. The colours originated from the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) in the UK in 1908.

Let’s all gather together Women and celebrate this #ChooseToChallege theme with D’Fun Cookies Bake At Home #IWDChallenge, it’s a meaningful event to make us feel we are very important gender in this world.

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